I have been vegan for a while now and I have been super conflicted with my channel not being in alignment with my life and my beliefs I am transitioning my channel and creating a new separate blog at www.gretchensveganbakery.com to align with my belief.
I have been veg for 8+ years and have been in severe conflict here on my channel AND when I owned my bakery by promoting and making money off of the exploited animal industry,
so I finally “got off the fence” and decided to stop being a hypocrite and follow my heart and soul passion.
I understand not everyone cares to be open to this kind of baking although I have been making some of my BEST recipes more recently!
I hope and wish that folks will be open minded and give me that same understanding for following my heart.
This has not been the case 100% so far, as I have sadly been met with anger and hatred
However others have been showing tremendous support and encouragement.
I hope you will at least give it a chance. π
I will not eliminate my old recipes and will still help you all with baking of any kind just like always!
And just as easily as you can VEGANIZE a recipe, you can UNVEGANIZE IT! LOL
If nothing else you MUST TRY the newest chocolate cake recipe! it is quite possibly the best cake of my career!!
CLICK HERE FOR THE RECIPE http://www.gretchensbakery.com/pumpkin-cinnamon-buns/
CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL CINNAMON BUNS http://www.gretchensbakery.com/cinnamon-buns/
CLICK HERE FOR ALL MY VEGAN RECIPES http://www.gretchensbakery.com/category/vegan-recipes/
WHY I AM VEGAN https://youtu.be/X8zC2fEJXNc
WHY I AM VEGAN https://youtu.be/W4HJcq8qHAY
WHY I AM VEGAN https://youtu.be/nV04zyfLyN4
Subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss a single recipe! https://www.youtube.com/c/GretchensBakery
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CLASSROOM STYLE VIDEO ON VIMEO https://vimeo.com/gretchensbakery
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Check out the authentic Gretchen’s Bakery Cake Kits and Ebooks here: http://www.gretchensbakerystore.com/
Help spread the word about Gretchen’s Bakery!
Please Share this video https://youtu.be/FyZ0yfbRuBw
Check out the authentic Gretchen’s Bakery Cake Kits and Ebooks here: http://www.gretchensbakerystore.com/
Music Credit CARPE DIEM / WINTER CHIMES by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
It is only through your support that I can continue to make videos and pay for the cost to run the blog.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I accept donations through PayPal
and also at Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/gretchensbakery https://youtu.be/xz63hSnZTio
I know not everyone is in a situation to donate so the best you can do to help is watch and share all my videos AND visit me on my blog daily at http://www.gretchensbakery.com/
Tell all your friends to visit me too!
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