20% off both my ebooks until 31st of December with the code ‘CHRISTMAS’ // https://www.madeleineolivia.co.uk/ebooks
vlogging channel // https://bit.ly/2HdHYIh
r e c i p e s
vegan mince pies // https://bit.ly/2EuvgTG
salted caramel chocolate truffles // https://bit.ly/2A58nn0
c o n n e c t
website // https://www.madeleineolivia.co.uk
instagram // https://www.instagram.com/madeleineolivia
twitter // https://twitter.com/MadeleineOlivia
facebook // https://www.facebook.com/MadeleineOliviaYouTube/
pinterest // https://www.pinterest.co.uk/madeleineoliviaa/
snapchat // maddieabb
f a c e b o o k g r o u p s
versatile vegan // https://bit.ly/2IMVWhn
declutter your life // https://bit.ly/2HsLHzh
minimal beauty // https://bit.ly/2pLArZ8
l i s t e n
epidemic sound // http://www.epidemicsound.com/
c o n t a c t
business enquiries only // madeleineolivia@mcsaatchisocial.com
m y r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s
food & supplements // https://bit.ly/2r8KqXl
low waste // https://bit.ly/2w0nDlt
vegan beauty // https://bit.ly/2rcTTMA
camera equipment // https://bit.ly/2jlQU0M
kitchen equipment // https://bit.ly/2JIQbls
fitness // https://bit.ly/2JLlCf0
s p o n s o r s h i p s
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