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CHECK OUT MY EBOOKS filled with healthy VEGAN RECIPES + health tips! http://ellenfisher.com/ebooks/ My BLOG: http://ellenfisher.com/blog/ My INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ellenfisher/ MUSIC: Original by David K and the Oh Hellos. Remix: lootssch “David K and the Oh [More]
Join my friend, Courtney and I on our way to eat some classic Japanese food- vegan version! I love that this place can cater to omnis, muslims, vegans and oriental vegetarians. Join me in my [More]
In this video I make a fully raw vegan pizza. As always I include my quirky personality to make the viewing that bit more enjoyable. πŸ˜‰ Here is the link for the Marinara Sauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw1TlD4Ox_M [More]
Fully Raw Banana Chocolate Ice Cream, no sugar, milk, or cream. Healthy and vegan instant chocolate ice cream #nisahomey #fullyraw #rawvegan #banana Subscribe Now for more such videos πŸ™‚ https://goo.gl/HarbtX Health Benefits of Banana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weGGbmkoLH4 [More]