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Lentil hotpot with ginger, garlic and chilli, sweet potato, potato, carrots, peppers, capsicums, bell peppers, courgette 100% vegan. As part of the HOW TO COOK GREAT NETWORK – http://www.howtocoogreatfood.com Also take a look at our [More]
Healthy Dessert Ideas that are Vegan Desserts and Healthy Delicious Recipes! Enjoy these Easy And Quick Healthy Dessert Recipes! Healthy Recipes and Healthy Desserts That Can Be a Quick Snack! If you LIKE this video [More]
Chef Gesine Bullock-Prado, author of “Let Them Eat Cake” shows us how to make some delicious vegan desserts.
LEARN HOW TO MAKE A BEAUTIFUL SUSHI BUDDHA BOWL WITH A SESAME DRESSING LAY HO MA!! If you’ve been following this channel you’ll know that there are two things that bring me so much joy, [More]
LEARN HOW TO MAKE VEGGIE PAD THAI RECIPE AT HOME! LAY HO MA!! Pad Thai is one of my favourite dishes of all time. It’s got the sweet, sour, and spicy flavours packed into one [More]
This coconut and lentil dal is the dream one pot Sunday night dinner, so simple to make, perfect for batch cooking and a freezer staple. It’s also vegan, has a short and inexpensive ingredient list [More]
Gipsy Chef tiene vetada la entrada en tantos sitios que ya no le viene de aquí: fusiona una paella valenciana con un aromático arroz indio, que acompaña de una salsa de yogur y pepino llamada [More]
JOIN THE FAMILY ➡︎ https://www.youtube.com/user/sharlainjapan?sub_confirmation=1 Went out for my favourite ramen (which happens to be both vegan and gluten-free, so it works for all kinds of diets, yay!) and did a bit of shopping around [More]
What I ate today as a vegan!🌮 Made some delicious veggie lentil tacos! OPEN FOR MORE ▼ CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE! (and don’t forget to turn on post notifications): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH7fZDHwZR7ww23A50R1ppA ?sub_confirmation=1 ✘ T U M [More]
Today we’re making easy vegan pasta recipes 6 different ways! These healthy vegan pasta recipes use chickpea pasta as their base, so they’re all gluten-free, vegan, and high protein too. This is how to make [More]
We’re really getting our hands dirty in the world of vegan cheese, this vegan nacho cheese is the first of many videos we’ll be posting, this is a glutenous decadent rich cheesy dip that will [More]
We ended our Tahoe trip nicely by hnaging out with our family back at home, it was so sweet spending time with them. Also had a once in a lifetime experience with ramen at Hinodeya [More]
How to make the TikTok viral Baked Feta Pasta recipe, but vegan! This trending recipe (uunifetapasta) has been taking over social media. Recipe → https://veggiekinsblog.com/2021/02/02/baked-feta-pasta/ C L I C K F O R D E [More]
LEARN HOW TO MAKE AN EASY COCONUT CHILI VEGAN RAMEN RECIPE LAY HO MA!! If you’ve been watching this channel for a while now, then you know that I absolutely love ramen – so much [More]
Watch as Actress Tabitha Brown makes her favorite summer meal, vegan pecan tacos 🌮. Make your summer meatless with this easy and refreshing recipe! Follow Tabitha on Instagram: http://instagram.com/iamtabithabrown If you want more of Tasty, [More]
今週の動画は、ビーガンラーメン! 皆様、数多くのリクエストどうもありがとうございました。なかなか一つのリクエストを選ぶというのも難しい部分がありますが(笑)今回はリクエストの中からラーメンを作らせてもらうことにしました。スパゲティを重曹を入れて茹でることで、かん水を入れて作られたのと同じ状態にしてラーメンの麺を作っていきます。普通のパスタが、完全にラーメンの香りと味になって面白いですので皆さんもぜひ試してみてください。 【材料 2人分】 味噌 60g 白練り胡麻 20g 豆乳 400g 水 400g ごま油 大さじ1 にんにく 一片 黒胡椒 少々 醤油 適量(塩気が足りないと感じた場合に足してみてください) 人参 50g キャベツ 50g しめじ 50g レンコン 50g もやし 50g パスタ 180g 水 2リットル 重曹 大さじ1 塩 大さじ1 【作り方】 《1》スープの材料を全て鍋に入れて、温める 《2》具材にする野菜を全て蒸しておく。 《3》パスタを重曹と塩を入れたお湯で茹でる。 《4》全ての材料を器に盛りつける。 【VEGGIE DISHES(ベジーディッシーズ)とは?】 ヴィーガン&オーガニックに拘った野菜料理を紹介する番組です。 ヴィーガンとは植物性の食材のみ(穀物・野菜・果物・ナッツ・キノコ・海藻など)で料理をすることを意味し、農薬や化学肥料を使用せずに育てたオーガニックの食材を使用します。野菜だけとは思えない程の美味しさと食べ応えのあるレシピを紹介していきます! ◇VEGGIE DISHESは毎週月曜日に更新! ◇VEGGIE DISHESの他のレシピはこちらから! →http://goo.gl/cD6m4O ◆【HP】http://www.peacefulcuisine.com [More]
LEARN HOW TO MAKE AN EASY JAPANESE STYLE VEGAN YAKISOBA NOODLES STIR FRY RECIPE! LAY HO MA! Okay, so I’ve been planning on filming a vegan yakisoba episode for quite a while now and because [More]
LEARN HOW TO MAKE VEGAN COCONUT BUTTERNUT SQUASH SOUP FOR THANKSGIVING LAY HO MA!! There’s so much to be thankful for. One thing I am eternally grateful for is the for ability to learn and [More]
EPISODE 581 – How to Make Spanish Vegetable & Bean Rice | Empedrado Murciano Recipe FULL RECIPE HERE: https://www.spainonafork.com/spanish-vegetable-bean-rice-empedrado-murciano-recipe SAFFRON I USED: https://www.goldensaffron.com/ MY NONSTICK FRY PAN: https://amzn.to/3gzgSe8 SUPPORT ME ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/spainonafork GET YOUR [More]
✿ Veganlovlie Recipes / One Pot Vegetable Pulao – Vegan : An easy 30-minute one pot vegetable pulao, a fragrant, delicious and wholesome rice dish. Much simpler than a biryani, this veg pulao dish is [More]
Click here for the recipe http://www.gretchensbakery.com/aquafaba-swiss-buttercream-recipe/ Music Credit WALLPAPER / SHOW YOUR MOVES by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Connect With Me! Please Share this video: https://youtu.be/-y0k0Zrq384 Subscribe to [More]
Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do! Who said vegans miss out on anything?? Please give this a thumbs up for more recipe videos 🙂 ☾ INSTAGRAM: @tenillemikaela ☾ SNAPCHAT: @tenillemikaela ☾ [More]
RECIPE (2 servings, 15 minutes prep time) Tofu: -200g firm tofu Cut into sticks. Fry in oil until browned. -1 Tbsp each soy sauce and hoisin sauce -1 Tsp chili sauce Mix and pour over [More]
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